When we are grounded and anchored into who we are, we tune into greater clarity, calm and insight. 

We navigate through life with a deeper sense of awareness and presence which ripples out to every aspect of our lives.

At anytime we feeling lost, confused, disconnected, isolated or caught up in the storm of life, we can bring awareness to our breath, plant our feel solidly on the earth and tap into this present moment.

This collection of Grounding meditations invites us to anchor into the NOW and tap into the infinite resources within.

PS: Latest releases of Grounding meditations will be featured at the top of the collection. (Production and music by my partner Jean-Michel Lesage-Brown)

May these recordings embrace us in love! 

With love, Astara

'Solstice Ceremony' Guided Meditations

The beauty of the Solstice is here!

Let’s together connect into this sacred Solstice time of honouring the cyclic transformation within us and around us…

💕💕💕 For our Northern Hemisphere friends, the Winter Solstice is a time when the day has the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year.

This is a time of reflection, going within, stripping back, letting go of what is no longer in alignment with our highest truth, nestling into the heart space and rejuvenating.

This winter darkness of the yin energy invites us to be like a seed in the ground – nourishing up our hearts, relishing in greater stillness and basking in the gifts from the darkness before birthing into the light once again.


💕💕💕 For our Southern Hemisphere friends, the Summer Solstice is a time when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky and is the day with the longest period of daylight.

This is a time of growth, expansion, taking inspired action and relishing in the abundance of all that life has to give.

This summer light yang energy invites us to be like the sunflower in the garden ~ embracing this time of activating the light, shining as the magnificent beings that we are before the winter season begins it’s cycle once again.

There are 2 guided meditation recordings available below
Winter Solstice Ceremony’ (16 mins) and Summer Solstice Ceremony’ (13 mins).

May these recordings embrace us in wholeness and deepen our remembering of the magnificence of all that we are.

Please share this with anyone who you feel will resonate with these recordings.

With absolute love 💕


'Replenishment' Guided Movement Meditation

In this guided meditation, we are invited to gently move the body in whatever way feels good so that we can:

💕 support the flow of the lymph fluid that helps our immune system with detoxification

💕 bring the blood to all areas of our bodies to oxygenate our cells

💕 shift stagnant energy in the body and open up energy pathways

💕 arrive in the present moment and ground into our bodies

Let’s bring conscious awareness to our breath and allow it to move us…gently or vigorously!

Let’s express ourselves and give ourselves what we need in this moment.

May this recording embrace us in love…


'Coming Back to our Centre Point' Guided Meditation

Breathe with me…

((( Rinse & repeat )))

The rising…
The falling…
The expansion…
The contraction…

Each breathe reminding us of this very moment and reminding us to come back to our centre point within the heart space.

Like an anchor, this centre point can bring us back into our bodies, into this present moment of now and give space for the soul to exxxxhaaaalllleee.

“Let go of the battle.
Breathe quietly and let it be.
Let your body relax and your heart soften.
Open to whatever you experience without fighting.”
~ Jack Kornfield

May this recording embrace us in love…

With absolute love 💕
‘Coming Back to our Centre Point’ 7 minute Guided Meditation

'Be Present' 3 minute Guided Meditation

Breathe in…
Breathe out…
Let’s Be…

This is a swift yet lovingly powerful meditation for when we need to ease the flurry of the day and come back to the present moment….

This meditation invites us step into the present moment of now as we bring the breath to any parts of us that may be needing some love.

Let’s bring our awareness to our breath together.

With absolute love 💕
‘Be Present’  3 minute Guided Meditation

'Inner Balance' Guided Meditation

I’d love to share with you this 9 minute guided meditation for us to journey into the heart centre and tune into balancing and harmonising the energy within.


This guided meditation also invites us to ground into the loving earth energy and to connect into the wisdom of the sky energy.

This is an invitation to feel into our hearts, unify the masculine and feminine energy within and activate a deeper connection to the infinite love, compassion, understanding and wisdom within.

With this connection, we can then amplify this unifying energy to nourish the body and all aspects of our wellbeing.

From this space, we can then radiate this vibration and frequency of love, compassion, understanding and wisdom out into our communities, the world, the cosmos and beyond….

This meditation was recorded in the transformative forest of the Watagan Mountains (East Coast, NSW Australia) – Awabakal Country.

May this recording embrace us in love!

'Present Moment' Guided Meditation

Welcome to this short 6 min guided meditation for us to take a deep dive into the heart and BE in the present moment of now…

From this space we can ‘catch our breath’ and like lounging out on the sofa, we can stretch out in the heart to feel and observe what is truly going on within.

In those moments where life feels as though we are caught up in the rapids of the stream, taking even one conscious breath can invite us to take refuge on the banks and observe.

To step out of ‘reactivity’. To revisit our perspective.

Ooooooeeeee!!!…..and then comes that moment of the knowingness that we ARE the rapids…we ARE the stream…we ARE the bank…

We are all of it. In our wholeness…

The WOW part is that we can choose how we swim and dance with the rapids, the ripples, the waves….

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!