We are whole beings. There is nothing to fix for we are not broken.

With the human experience of all that we have come here to learn, remember, experience and evolve, at times there can be aspects of ourselves that need some extra love and integration.

Perhaps some beliefs or narratives that are no longer serving us and it’s time to integrate them in love. Perhaps experiences of trauma in our lives that leave us feeling unresolved, disconnected and stuck that invite us to lovingly heal ourselves to step back into our wholeness.

Whatever our story and whatever we feel we are healing, we can remember that at the source of who we are, we are love, whole and spirit and we can feel the warm embrace of the connection that we have within and outside of ourselves.

This collection of Healing meditations invites us to take a deep dive into the heart to be present with what we are experiencing, create space for loving union with all aspects of who we are, acknowledging all that needs to be ‘aired out’ and to come home to that place within.

PS: Latest releases of Healing meditations will be featured at the top of the collection. (Production and music by my partner Jean-Michel Lesage-Brown)

May these recordings embrace us in love! 

With love, Astara

'Immune System Booster' Guided Meditation

Our immune systems are innately and divinely created with such intricate wisdom and next level abilities. 

High fives to our bodies (and Spirit/God/Source/Universe…) for the epic blueprint of life within every cell of our being!

Our soul, heart, spirit and body birthed into the world equipped with everything that we need this lifetime. 

Each person has a different story and soul coding…though we are all birthed from the infinite foundation of ‘Oneness’. 

In this 12 minute guided meditation we will do some Thymus Gland tapping and colour/light frequency activations.

Thymus gland tapping can help us to increase lymphocyte levels (Pac Man like cells that eat the baddie cells) and also shift any stagnant energy in the body.

This meditation invites us to be in the present moment with breath awareness while also creating space to receive any messages that our bodies may be needing to convey to us.

✨ Deep listening…
✨ Releasing…
✨ Tuning into our hearts…
✨ Restore. Rejuvenate. Replenish.

YES and YUM!

When we relax + take deep breaths = relaxation of fight and flight response = lowered cortisol levels (stress hormones) = strengthened immune system.


With absolute love 💕


'Acknowledging 'Stuckness' ~ Allowing Flow' Guided Meditation

Isn’t interesting how being ‘stuck’ and the space of resting and waiting for the most aligned moment to create inspired action may appear similar though feeeeel sooooo different? 

This week’s guided meditation recording is a ceremonial activation for our own lives, for the planet and the consciousness of humanity…

What a potent time to be experiencing this in the energy ripples of the full moon lunar eclipse.

This 16 minute guided meditation has been recorded by a stream in Gubbi Gubbi / Kabbi Kabbi on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia. 

The luscious flowing energy of the stream invites us to acknowledge any stuck or stagnant energy, thoughts, beliefs & feelings…and allow the flow that exists within us always to transmute these aspects into all encompassing love.

May this recording embrace us in love…


‘Acknowledging ‘Stuckness’ ~ Allowing Flow’ Guided Meditation

'Transmuting Anxiety into Love' Guided Meditation

Anxiety…Yes, hello to you dear friend and teacher…

At times our anxiety may have lessons, learnings, gifts and insights for us.

It may be showing us where we may be out of balance or not in alignment with an aspect of our lives.

It might be coming up for us when we are feeling to jump into the void and ‘unknown-ness’ of life to answer our heart’s calling…

In this meditation we will create space to feel any anxiety that may be present in us.

Once we fully acknowledge this frequency of anxiety, we can then allow it to transmute into love…

Let’s allow ourselves space to catch our breath and land in this present moment…

Let’s release our attachment to the past and expectations of the future and tune in with our breath for this transformative meditation.

May this recording embrace us in love…

With absolute love 💕

'Acknowledging Anger and Transmuting it into Love' Guided Meditation

BIG love to you at this pivotal times for humanity as we birth into new paradigms of being…

This is the crowning moment!

We are here…

This guided meditation invites us to acknowledge any anger within (and any hidden underlying feelings) and gives us greater space for this emotion to be felt….heard….expressed and then integrated before transmuting into love…

“Anger is like flowing water; there’s nothing wrong with it as long as you let it flow. Hate is like stagnant water; anger that you denied yourself the freedom to feel, the freedom to flow; water that you gathered in one place and left to forget. Stagnant water becomes dirty, stinky, disease-ridden, poisonous, deadly; that is your hate. On flowing water travels little paper boats; paper boats of forgiveness. Allow yourself to feel anger, allow your waters to flow, along with all the paper boats of forgiveness. Be human.”

― C. JoyBell C.

“If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.”
― Shannon L. Alder

“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

‘Acknowledging Anger and Transmuting it into Love’ Guided Meditation

'Self Healing' Guided Meditation

Here is a 12 minute meditation experience to invite us to bring awareness to each phase of the breath. 

Self Healing….Oooooooeeeee….YES!

✨Breathing in…
✨Activating the healer within…
✨Breathing out…
✨Releasing anything that is pinching us off from stepping into love…

We are whole.

At our true essence, we are divine beings here on earth to realise who we are and create some magic by simply being our authentic and evolving selves as we raise the vibration of the planet and anchor in the new earth codes….YES! 

With absolute love and gratitude 💕 Astara

'Acknowledging Fear - Activating Love' Guided Meditation

As the frequency of our planet (Gaia) is becoming more illuminated and vibrating at a more loving and awakened state, this ripples out to all who call this planet home.

Anything that is not of a frequency of love, will have a light shone upon it as it comes up to be acknowledged, aired out, healed and integrated as part of our oneness and wholeness.

Fear can be a natural reaction and response to this process especially when we see a metaphorical storm brewing out in the world.

What if we could see this storm as a nudge to do more of our ‘inner work’ on our internal storms. What if fear could be embraced with love and compassion?

Through this embrace, the fear is felt and seen and naturally starts to transmute into love.

We cannot spiritually bypass the ‘work’.

Love and light has it’s place though so does the shadow and the darkness…While we are living in a duality dimension, one cannot exist without the other, it’s just how we dance with those energies that truly matters.

If something is no longer serving us and is no longer in alignment with our loving intention for ourselves, humanity and beyond…perhaps it’s time for us to say “Thank you” (for the insights, lessons and gifts of the experience), let it go and start to make choices that are more in alignment with our values of thriving.

With absolute love and gratitude 💕

‘Acknowledging Fear – Activating Love’ Guided Meditation​

'Stepping into Our Wholeness' Guided Meditation

Here is a calming 7 minute meditation to invite us to clear our energy, integrate all parts of who we are and anchor into this present moment of now…

It’s how we ride out the storms, dance in the rain and soar through the hurricanes that truly matters.

How we react and interact with the world around us shapes who we are…

This meditation journey invites us to create space in this moment to simply BE, catch our breath and ‘collect ourselves’ while we land in the heart…

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

With love, Astara

'Letting Go' Guided Meditation

I’d love to share with you this 6 minute guided meditation to invite us to let go…

Letting Go…

For me this means releasing the need to control every aspect of my life and the outcomes and to change my relationship to attachment…

We can still be in that space of discernment and clarity while honouring our values and who we are, though what if we were able to allow ourselves to open up more to the magic of co-creation and to trust?

We can surrender while also having healthy boundaries…

We can let go while also being anchored in our sovereignty and truth…

We can ‘go with the flow’ while being grounded in this physical world…

We are held. We are supported.

The universe / spirit / higher selves / God / source….has our back.

We have our back.

This meditation is an invitation to let go with a swift yet deep dive into this present moment of NOW…with our heart, with our breath…

Letting go of tension…thoughts…attachment…

Letting go of gripping onto every aspect of this physical reality and allowing ourselves to hear the inner pulse of life flowing through us…

Letting go into love…into trust…into who we are…

There is so much more happening ‘behind the curtain’….what if we could let go a little more and allow the infinite pool of love within to ripple out?


May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

'Embracing the Inner Child' Guided Meditation

Here is a wholesome 12 minute inner journey meditation recording around creating space within to SEE, HEAR and FEEL into the magic of the essence of our inner child.

This is an invitation for us to take a deeper dive in to the heart and acknowledge the inner child aspect within us that makes up our wholeness.

With compassion, love and acceptance we can embrace our inner child and integrate their beauty into the present moment of now.

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

'Journey into the Heart Centre' Guided Meditation

Here is a link to a beautiful 20 min meditation to invite us to be present, to release, to revitalise and to take a deep dive into the heart…

A time to BE in this moment of now in our wholeness…just as we are.

There is a beautiful ‘earth and sky’ element to this immersion too which may feel grounding yet expanding, inviting a deeper integration of the feminine and masculine energies within…

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!