
“The goal of meditation is not to get rid of thoughts or emotions.

The goal is to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and learn how to move through them without getting stuck.”

Dr. P. Goldin

Guided Meditations

This space is here for you to connect in with your heart and explore…

Let’s take a deep dive with these empowering guided inner journey meditations!

Together we RISE AND SHINE!

This Week's Meditation

'Inner Light Activation' Guided Meditation

Here is a relaxing 9 minute inner journey meditation recording to activate the pillar of light within to connect us to our heart and ease into the expansiveness of all that we are.

Each breath that we take is an invitation to come home within ourselves…

Ooooooeeeee YES!

This meditation experience invites us to tune in to this present moment of now and feel the rhythm of breath as it dances with the body.

We are HELD…

This meditation was recorded in the transformative forest of the Watagan Mountains (East coast, NSW Australia) – Awabakal Country.

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

Meditation Categories

Hello Fellow Heart Centred Being,

I am so delighted to be sharing these meditations with you for us to activate within us that in which is already there…

Click on a category below to choose what theme of meditation you are drawn to.

May these inner journeys bring us calm, connection and clarity. 

These mediations invite us to step more into our truth, tune in with what we are experiencing in the present moment, exhale from the soul and quench the heart thirst.

It is an honour for me to be a conduit for the beauty of these meditations and heart centred processes to enrich our hearts, acknowledge the wholeness of all that we are and ripple out love into the world….YES!

Let’s walk each other ‘home’…

If you feel to receive weekly guided meditations to your email inbox, enter your details in the form below.

PS: GRATITUDE to my partner, Jean-Michel, for infusing these recordings with his beautiful musical and editing awesomeness!

With love, Astara