When we remember that at the sources of who we are, we are love, compassion and beauty of spirit, this awareness creates space for us to love and acceptance all aspects of who we are in our wholeness.

From this space we can truly share authentic love and compassion with others and ripple this magic into the world.

I see all of us as beautiful flowers in a garden. Parts of us have thorns. At times there are weeds. At times we can recycle our previous experiences to form compost for the garden to thrive. It rains. It’s sunny. Every element has place and purpose.

It feels that the journey is to honour all aspects of the flower garden of our life and honour the beauty of all that has birthed through the mud.  

This collection of Self-Love meditations invites us to create space to be with ourselves and all aspects of who we are. Strengthening our connection within and embracing ourselves as divine reflections of the Universe / Source / Spirit / God.

PS: Latest releases of Self-Love meditations will be featured at the top of the collection. (Production and music by my partner Jean-Michel Lesage-Brown)

May these recordings embrace us in love! 

With love, Astara

'Allowing Ourselves to Receive' Guided Meditation

Here is a beautiful minute 18 meditation to invite us to allow ourselves to relax, be present and activate the love frequency within our cells… 

What if we could lovingly be present with those parts of ourselves that ‘pinch us off’ from fully stepping into allowing?

What if we could allow ourselves to tap into the infinite pool of love, compassion, oneness and wisdom within ourselves?

When we can allow ourselves to connect to these parts of us and integrate fully into the wholeness of who we are we, we can open ourselves up to more fully receiving all that we need.

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

With love, Astara

‘Allowing Ourselves to Receive’ Guided Meditation​

'Self Love' Guided Meditation​

Here is a beautiful 7 minute guided meditation to be present with ourselves.

This is a loving invitation to breathe the colour of love into the heart centre and activate the frequency of love within every cell of our being.

The breath is like a key to unlock the heart space and allows greater access of the truth of who we are…

From this space and awareness we can rise up with strength into the posture of Self love and ripple out this magic to the rest of the world and beyond…

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

With love, Astara

'3 minute Self Care Moment' Guided Medition

Here is a calming 3 minute guided meditation to invite us to be present with ourselves, our breath and this moment of now.


We are so worthy of ‘pausing’ and ‘catching our breaths’ in the flow of the day.

As we fill up our inner cups with love and be present with ourselves, we can then over flow this out to others around us, rippling out this magic into the world.

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

With love, Astara

'I am LOVE' Affirmations

Here is a loving 7 min recording of self-love affirmations to connect us to our heart and the infinite love and compassion within each of us…

This is an invitation to be present with ourselves in this moment of now as we take a deep dive in to the heart and explore who we are at our core…LOVE.

WE are WHOLE just as we are…

I have shared this recording a few months ago though it felt timely again to tune into LOVE and radiate our hearts!

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

'Inner Love | Outer Love' Guided Meditation

Here is a heartwarming 8 minute meditation to amplify the love within and ripple it out to embrace and uplift the consciousness of the planet…

In this uplifting and loving meditation, we are invited to feel into the infinite love within and to embrace the world in this love.

There is so much loving power in mass meditation to heal / transform ourselves and the planet. YES!

Let’s feel into our loving vision for our own hearts and for the planet at this time of great transformation.

Let’s together activate the beauty of the ‘flower of life’ geometric pattern to embrace the planet. A massive flowery gratitudey cuddle for Gaia!

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!

'Opening the Heart Rose' Guided Meditation

Here is a 14 min guided meditation for us to attune to the infinite love and compassion within each of our own hearts…

Opening the Heart Rose….

Ooooooeeeee these words sum up this beautiful guided meditation wonderfully!

When we explore this initiation of self love we move in to a space of being ‘in love’.

Together we can amplify this love for the Self and all that we are in our wholeness (the spiky thorns and the sweet petals!)

From this space of integration of our whole Self, we can more easily ripple out this love to our friends, families, partners, communities, the world and beyond.

We are the Heart Rose…Let’s open and radiate the beauty of all that we are!

May this recording embrace our hearts in love!