This is a powerful invitation to activate a stronger connection with your Creative Self to create: more space for wholistic solutions; awareness of your energy blueprint; harmonising flow and empowered heart centred practices for life and business.  

Complete with video content, meditations, written exercises, kinesiology practices and affirmations, this online course is everything you need to help you to harness your creative potential!

In this module you will learn to, harness your full creative potential so that you can activate creative solutions with wholistic outcomes.

You’ll explore wellness-based practices that encourage you to embody your creative self and flourish in all aspects of your life as the Creator that you are. 


  1. Acknowledge and clear creative blocks

As we activate our creativity and bring more awareness to our true creative potential as Creators, there is a natural process of bringing awareness to parts of us that may not be open to embracing our full creative potential and connection with all that we are. These aspects could be perceived to be blocks and limitations.

This key point creates space for you to feel in to acknowledging, identifying and transmuting these blocks and limitations through written and visualisation exercises

2. Step into your Creative Flow 

Creativity is ALREADY a part of you like the air that you breathe…it’s just about bringing awareness to this aspect and to embody and nurture it. Let’s let the creative juices flow!

This key point creates greater space to explore aspects of your creativity in empowering and practical ways through visualisation experiences and practical exercises.

3. Celebrate your Creative Self 

During this key point, you will be invited to share the creative piece that you have created.

By us embodying our creative selves and stepping in to our full creative potential and expressing that through form, this fans the flames of courage in birthing out in to the world something that we feel to offer.

This key point is acknowledging our creativity and allowing ourselves to be SEEN by others who may be experiencing our creation. A guided meditation journey will walk alongside of you as you activate the courage and walk through the fire of vulnerability to share your creative self.


1. Increasing satisfaction and energy in the body reflecting in career or business 

2 Self awareness to be a clear conduit for creativity to birth new projects in alignment with career or business vision 

3. Increasing financial security by releasing blocks around scarcity and fight and flight responses to generate creative concepts in career or business that are magnets for success 

4. Allowing more spaciousness for the grounding of heart centred opportunities to thrive in and wholistic solutions to be created. 

5. Balancing out left and right brain hemispheres to feel connected to our creative and expressive nature while being grounded in our logistical and problem solving aspect of who we are

Investment: $127 AUD
